Glossary of Terms
(General Indication of Meaning :- Spanish to English translation)
Abogado: Lawyer, solicitor, barrister, counsel, or attorney
Acta: Minutes or transcript
Acta Notarial: Notary's deed or certificate. The document as a base for the inscription of a given property into the land register.
Afecciónes Registrales: Charges against the property in the register.
Agrupación: Consolidation of plots of land.
Alta Catastral: District valuers office.
Arras: Secured deposit to ensure that the purchaser will lose his deposit or the seller pays back double the amount if either fails to complete the deal.
Arrendamiento de Obra: Contract for work and labour carried out by a builder
Asiento de Presentación: Note of conveyance providing protection for the purchaser for a certain period of time against further registrations.
Boletin de Enganche: Certificate of the correct installation of the electrical wiring.
Cancelación: Document of cancellation for charges against the property in the land register.
Certificación: Certification.
Certificado Bancario de Devisas: Certificate issued by the bank that the price of purchase was paid with money of known provenance, required as part of money laundering legislation.
Certificado Final de Obra: Architectés certificate that the construction had been completed in compliance with relevant building regulations.
Código Civil: Civil law.
Colégio Oficial de Arquitectos: College of Architects.
Communidad de Propietarios: Community of Property Owners, which manages the estate, building or development. Contrato de Arrendamiento: Rental contract.
Contrato de Opción: Option contract where someone obtains the right to purchase a certain estate or property, paying 10% of the property price.
Copropietario: Part owner of a property within a community or joint owner of a house or land.
Cuota: Percentage that the owner has in a community or jointly owned property.
Declaración de Obra Nueva: Formal notarised declaration of new building works.
Delegación de Urbanismo: District Surveyorés Office, Grants for building permits.
Demarcación de Costas: Department for Coastal Protection - ensures compliance with coastal environmental and protection rules.
Division: Claim to divide jointly/community owned property.
Edificabilidad Maxima: Maximum floor area that can be built over at all levels.
Escritura: Title Deeds.
Escritura de Compraventa: Document is signed by a Notary showing that you are purchasing the property.
Escritura Publica: This is the official document which shows that you are the legal owner.
Fianza: Deposit, security.
Finca: Property, plot of land.
Finca Registral: Registered property or land.
Hacienda Publica: Tax Office.
Hipoteca: Mortgage.
I.B.I (Impuesto Sobre Bienes Immuebles): Council tax or rates.
Impuesto de Actos Juridicos doCumentados: Stamp duty (approximately 1 % of the purchase price).
Impuesto de Transmisiones Patrimoniales: Transfer tax on real estate (6% of the amount declared in the "Escritura" ).
Impuesto Sobre Construcciónes, Instalaciónes y Obras: Local tax for building works.
Impuesto Sobre el Patrimonio/Plusvalia: Local tax on capital gain on real estate.
Impuesto de Sociedades: Corporation tax.
Impuesto Sobre Sucesiones y Donaciones: Death duty, inheritance tax and gift/donation tax.
Impuestos Municipales: Local taxes.
Impuesto Sobre el Valor Aņadido (IVA): Value Added Tax (VAT) - normally 16%.
Impuesto Sobre la Renta a Personas Fisicas (IRPF): Income tax.
Institución de Heredero: Insertion of one or several heirs.
Ley de Arrendamientos Urbanos: Rental law.
Ley de la Propiedad Horizontal: Law relative to 'Communidades' - NB;- this law governs groups of houses, apartments and complete urbanisations.
Ley del Suelo: Ground law.
Licencia de Obras: Building permission.
NIE (Numero Personal de Indentificacion de Extranjero): ID number for non- residents.
NIF (Numero de Indentificacion Fiscal): ID number for residents.
Nota Simple Informativa: Extract from the land register with main points from the land registry.
Notario: A state appointed official who notarises public to make sure that a contract is legally correct. The notary does not have either partiesé interests in mind, only the legitimacy of the documents.
Obligación Personal: Unlimited tax obligations for residents.
Obligación Real: Limited tax obligations for non-residents.
Ocupación Maxima: Maximum permitted roofed area.
Parcela: Plot.
Perito: Valuer or assessor.
Permiso de Obra Nueva o de Construcción: Building licence/permit.
Plan Parcial: Development.
Planta: Floor.
Plusvalia: Capital Gains Tax.
Posesion Precio: Possession purchase price.
Procurador: Representative of a party at court in addition to the lawyer (similar to a barrister).
Promotor: Developer.
Propiedad: Property.
Propietario: Owner.
Protocolización: Certification of a foreign document certificate by a Spanish notary.
Proyecto de Ejecución de Obra: Plans for a project before receiving the building licence.
Referencia Catastral: Land Registry document relating to the property location.
Recepción Definitiva: Final acceptance of the construction.
Registro de la Propiedad: Land Register.
S.A. (Sociedad Anonima): PLC.
S.L. (Sociedad Limitada): LTD.
Saneamiento: Sanitation.
Segregacion: Separation of a part of the property.
Separación a Linderos: Minimum distance of a building to the neighbouring property.
Servidumbre de Transito: Right of Way (if there is no direct public access to the the property).
Solar: Building plot.
Suelo No Urbanizable: Green areas or natural reserves that cannot be built on.
Suelo Urbanizable: Areas which may be built on.
Suelo Urbano: Urban area.
Tasa: Local tax for receiving the building permit.
Toma de posesion: Handing-over the keys.
Traspaso: Transfer of rental or lease contracts.
U.T.M. : Number of a plot at the District Valuers Office.
Urbanización privada: Private community/development.
Uso de Oficinas: Property that has office use.
Usocapción: Right to use property over a fixed period of time.
Usufructo: Right to use and enjoy a property.
Valor Catastral: Rateable value/valuation - reviewed annually and the basis for calculating land tax.
Valor Comprobado Por la Administración: Assumed value of a property as a base for the property tax.
Valor Real: Real value.
Zona de Servidumbre de Protección: Stretches of protected coast from 100 to 200 metres which have special rules concerning construction.